Добро пожаловать на сайт группы нейрокогнитивных интерфейсов МЭГ-центра Московского государственного психолого-педагогического университета (МГППУ)!
Welcome to the Neurocognitive Interfaces Group at Moscow MEG Center, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education!
We study human physiology and cognition in human-machine interaction, especially in interaction via brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) and in gaze-based interaction. We also develop advanced non-invasive BCIs, especially the highly integrated “eye-brain-computer interfaces” (EBCIs), as well as alternatives to motor imagery in BCI and new approaches to enhance gaze interaction.

Research areas

(Cand. Biol. Sci.)
Group Leader
Leading Research Scientist

(Cand. Biol. Sci.)
Senior Research Scientist

(Cand. Psychol. Sci.)
Senior Research Scientist

Senior Research Scientist

(Cand. Techn. Sci.)
Junior Research Scientist

(Cand. Philos. Sci.)
Junior Research Scientist

Junior Research Scientist
(& PhD Student, Lomonosov Moscow State U.)

Junior Research Scientist

Junior Research Scientist
(& PhD Student, Lomonosov Moscow State U.)
Current collaborators
- Pavel D. Bobrov
- Artem M. Grachev
- Alexander Y. Kaplan
- Anna A. Kondur
- Sergey V. Kotov
- Bogdan L. Kozyrskiy
- Yuri O. Nuzhdin
- Alexei E. Ossadtchi
- Pavel D. Rudych
- Alexander N. Savostyanov
- See Equipment page at the MEG Center web site.
Recent publications
- Berdyshev D.A., Grachev A.M., Shishkin S.L., Kozyrskiy B.L. EEG-Reptile: An Automatized Reptile-Based Meta-Learning Library for BCIs. arXiv, 27 Dec 2024. https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2412.19725 GitHub: https://github.com/gasiki/EEG-Reptile
- Vasilyev A.N., Svirin E.P., Dubynin I.A., Butorina A.N., Nuzhdin Y.O., Ossadtchi A.E., Stroganova T.A., Shishkin S.L. Intentionally vs. Spontaneously Prolonged Gaze: A MEG Study of Active Gaze-Based Interaction. bioRxiv, December 16, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.12.11.627776
- Skidchenko E., Butorina A., Fedosov N., Shevtsov O., Medvedeva D., Zhao D., Dubynin I., Fedorov M., Koshev N., Ossadtchi A. The tale of two rooms: comparison of QuSpin zero-field OPMs’ operation in two magnetically shielded environments. TechRxiv, November 19, 2024. https://doi.org/10.36227/techrxiv.171617338.87291097/v3
- Shevtsova Y.G., Yashin A.S., Shishkin S.L., Vasilyev A.N. Disentangling high-paced alternating I/O in gaze-based interaction (submitted).
- Yashin A.S. Causal deviance in BCI control as another vanishing point of human agency (submitted).
- Yashin A.S., Shevtsova Y.G., Svirin E.P., Vasilyev A.N., Shishkin S.L. Quasi-movements vs. motor imagery in an online study of a hybrid BCI involving semi-passive gaze.
- Yashin A.S., Vasilyev A.N., Shevtsova Y.G., Shishkin S.L. Can quasi-movements be used as a model of the BCI based on attempted movements? 2024 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC). October 6-10, 2024, Sarawak, Malaysia. Pp. 2028-2033. https://doi.org/10.1109/SMC54092.2024.10831475
- Shishkin S.L., Yashin A.S., Shevtsova Y.G., Vasilyev A.N. Should attempted movements replace motor imagery in BCI? The issue of compatibility with gaze use. Proc. of the 9th Graz Brain-Computer Interface Conference 2024. Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz. Pp. 455-460. https://doi.org/10.3217/978-3-99161-014-4-080 (Open Access) Poster: [ PDF ]
Current projects
- – Prioritet 2030 “Studies of quasi-movements as a basis for new BCI technologies”
- – RSF 24-75-00105 “Quasi-movements in brain-computer interfaces: effects of movement type and feedback”
- – RSF 22-19-00528 “Fluent human-machine interaction based on expectation and intention markers: neurophysiological and neuroengineering foundations”
- Сергей Шишкин: Будущее нейроинтерфейсов, обнаружение намерений, коэволюция человечества и AI. В подкасте Марка Девельмана Den of Rich #758, 26.3.2023. YouTube, Apple podcast, Spotify, Google podcast. Таймкоды см. тут.
- В МГППУ изучили квазидвижения — необычный феномен с перспективами использования в интерфейсах мозг-компьютер. Naked Science, 3.3.2023.
- Лучше пытаться, чем воображать: предложен подход к управлению интерфейсами мозг-компьютер. Пресс-релиз РНФ, 2.3.2023.
- Перспективы нейроинтерфейсов. Сергей Шишкин в программе Марины Аствацатурян «Медицина в контексте» на Первом медицинском канале, 27.05.2022.
Available positions
Sergei Shishkin | Сергей Львович Шишкин ( shishkinsl@mgppu.ru , sergshishkin@mail.ru )

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